What Will Happen In the Future?

What Will Happen In the Future?

Will there be holograms?  Will cancer be cured?  Will there by flying cars?  We have so many questions about the future.  Our future could either be good or bad.  Are you curious about what might happen in the future?  Read more to find out what may be our future, and how you can help stop it, before it’s too late.

Global Warming

Global warming is already becoming more of a big issue.  Over the past 50 years, temperatures have increased at the fastest rate in history!  unfortunately, it is not getting better.  As humans, we create many pollutants that harm the environment.  These pollutants trap the heat made from CO2 and other pollutants and gases, which warms up our planet.  The more pollutants we produce, the warmer it will get.  But, how can this affect the future of Earth?

Since, our Earth is getting hotter and hotter, the icebergs are melting.  This is not good.  Several species that rely on icebergs for protection and rest will die.  Recently, I watched Our Earth with my family and neighbor.  We were horrified when we saw these walruses climbing up a huge rocky mountain for rest.  Several of them dropped to their death.  If they were lucky enough to make it up, they couldn’t come back down.  Almost all of them died, climbing such a place.  In the future, these icebergs have the potential to completely melt, creating too much water in our ocean.  This will lead to floods and possibly, extinct species.

You can help prevent this from happening to our world.  CONSERVE ELECTRICITY!  In the U.S, we use LOTS of fossil fuels to make electricity.  Electricity is the largest source of the heat getting trapped.  Electricity is mostly what makes our Earth warm up.  Our country 2nd largest source is our transportation.  We give off so many pollutants when we drive cars, buses, trains, etc.  You can help by informing others about this issue.  Try using alternatives, including biking and walking, and only drive when it is absolutely necessary.

Over Population

Overpopulation is caused by many factors, including advances in technology to save lives.  While this may be good, it contributes to over population.  The depletion of resources also contributes to overpopulation.  In the future, it is estimated that the population of the U.S will reach 9 billion  people!  Since the 1400s our population has continued to grow at a fast rate.  This will affect our Earth greatly, as well.

First, there will be a depletion of resources in our Earth.  We are using so much food and water supply, that our population is growing.  However, there will not be enough to support 9 billion people if we keep using too many resources.  The government may set a limit to the amount of food and water we are allowed to use per day in the future.  Some people may even fight to compete for resources.  You can help by using the resources you only need.

Second, with over population there will be more fossil fuels used.  This connects to global warming.  As mentioned earlier, if too many fossil fuels are used, there will be global warming.  In addition, with overpopulation, there will be fewer jobs.  Our economic system, will be weaker with fewer jobs.  Because of demand and supply, there will be a raise in cost for resources.  Here are some ways to help with these issues, before it is too late:

  • Educate others about these issues, the more people know, the more people to help
  • Make families aware of these problems-to avoid any unwanted pregnancies
  • Conserve resources!

We need to hurry up soon or these issues will occur!