The next generation arrives

The cons of our generation

Our generation has fallen into a world of action, fidget cubes, and electronics. People in our generation can’t be like people in the older generation because we have all this stuff that they didn’t have. If someone took all the fidget cubes, computers, phones, and TVs away, we would be helpless. But, the older generation might survive.

older generation

Without google maps or GPS we would be lost and wouldn’t be able to find our way.  The older generation would handle it all right and just use paper maps. We don’t know how to use paper maps as well as they do because we never had to.

Some people can’t live without phones either. They wouldn’t be able to communicate with their friends or watch YouTube! On the contrary, the older generation (again) will handle it a little bit better by waiting until they meet their friends to talk to them.

They would also wait until they get home to watch TV. (Instead of watching it anywhere anytime on your phone) We are so used to action too. We also can not sit still because we always think something is going to happen and that you could be the hero or bad guy.

The pros of our generation

Then again, we have things that the older generation doesn’t that is an improvement. For example, we have better medicine to cure diseases. I am very glad I am not from the older generation because if I was from the older generation and died from a disease that can be cured today, that would be very sad.

In addition, we now have safer cars, and planes that don’t burn a lot of fuel. Therefore, being in the younger generation has it pros and cons. I hope you like my article!