Why Do We Dream?

Why Do We Dream?

Dreams can either be good, or bad (hence nightmares).  Some people like dreams and some people don’t.  Dreams can make is feel different emotions, such as happy, sad, and scared.  Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, sweating, because you had a scary nightmare?  Or maybe you had a happy dream, about unicorns and cotton candy.  Everybody dreams, although you might not remember the next day.  But, haven’t you ever wondered why we dream?  Does our body need it for a particular reason?  Read to learn more about the reason we dream.

Some Information About Dreams

You usually dream during the night, when you sleep.  A dream can happen any time while you sleep.  Although, it is said that dreams usually occur when the brain is the most active.  Did you know most people are recorded to have dreamed during rapid eye movement A dream is created by our mind and consists of images and stories.  Some say we can dream up to 6 times while we sleep.  While we dream, it can seem confusing or perfectly fine.  Our dreams is 2% of repeated events.  It is estimated that we forget 95% of our dreams the next day.

So, why do we Dream?

Ok, now that we know a little information about dreams, why exactly do we dream?  There are many theories of why we dream.  For example, some say dreams have no purpose, and is just one activity of the brain.  However, there have been other studies that have shown dreaming is important for our health and well-being.  There are still many theories, and there is not one complete true theory.  So, this still remains a mystery.  But more and more information has been revealed about dreaming.  For instance, have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and tried to move, but couldn’t?  That is because you are still in REM atopia.  REM atopia is the rapid eye movement that almost always occurs when you dream.  So, if you wake up from a dream and can’t move, don’t be alarmed, it just means you’re still recovering from it.  On the other hand, it could also mean you are in a dream.  This sounds weird, but it called lucid dreaming.  When you are lucid dreaming, you can make decisions of what you do in your dream.  However, it is very difficult to achieve this.  I hope this helps you understand more about why we sleep?  Happy dreaming!