How Come We Get the Hiccups? And how do we stop it?!

How Come We Get the Hiccups?  And how do we stop it?!

We all know hiccups as the annoying, irritating thing your body does.  When we hiccup, we use our diaphragm and vocal cords.  Although having the hiccups can feel like it will go on forever, it usually only lasts about a few minutes.  There, however, are such things called long-term hiccups, which can last a few days, or possibly even longer!  Either way, hiccups often occur suddenly, which can be super irritating.


There are many causes to getting hiccups.  This includes eating too much or too quickly.  This can cause hiccups because it irritates the diaphragm.  When this happens, it tends to trigger hiccups.  Other causes such as, drinking too much, certain medications, strokes, and brain tumors can all causes hiccups to occur.  The most common cause that creates hiccups is eating too or drinking too much quickly.  anxiety and stress also tends to causes hiccups.

How To Stop Hiccups

Now we now about the causes that trigger hiccups.  But, how do we stop it?  There are also ways to prevent hiccups.  Including don’t eat bigger quantities in a quicker pace.  It may cause the hiccups.  Same goes for drinking, try not to drink too much, too fast.  Although if you do get the hiccups, here are some ways to stop the hiccups:

  • Drink water very slowly (preferably very cold water)
  • Make somebody scare you
  • Gargle water
  • Suck on a thin slice of lemon
  • Press gently on the diaphragm
  • Pull on the tongue
  • If your hiccups are consistent, contact a doctor, to prescribe medications
  • Hold your breath
  • Smelling salts

Next time you have the hiccups expectantly, try these methods.  Don’t worry though, usually hiccups will stop on its own, not lasting for longer than a few minutes.  remember, if you do get hiccups that last longer than a few minutes or days, talk to your doctor, because there may be other problems causing these long-term hiccups.