How to Beat the Bully Without Really Trying


I recently read the last book in this series “Revenge of the Bully”  by Scott Starkey. This is one book series that you cannot read out of order. There are spoilers in the sequels and they make your first read of the books before them seem more like a review. Obviously if I reviewed the sequels there would be a lot of spoilers. The first book was my personal favorite because it’s when Rodney is still very new to the town and is practically clueless about what is going on around him. Whereas in the other books he’s more stable and has backup.

“How to Beat the Bully Without Really Trying” By Scott Starkey. The content in this book is hilarious. Dangerously hilarious. This book also has unbelievable stats and tricks in it and exaggerates the characters immensely. Sure some bullies may not be the smartest people, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t know anything at all. In real life bullies are actually very clever which is what makes them even scarier. Don’t take the things that happen in this book for granted and attempt to stand up to a violence seeking bully all on your own. It may not end well. Also teachers might be mean to students but it’s very rare that a teacher would dislike you so much that they would try to ruin your life and put you in harm’s way. Although it does make a very funny story to tell.


Rodney Rathbone is just about one of the luckiest kids alive. He’s also one of the most cowardly kids alive. So lets just say that being the new kid in a new school, town and even a new state wasn’t exactly a walk in the park for him. Rodney was just slightly more than terrified when the school’s biggest and baddest bully, Josh, was ready to attack him. But suddenly a baseball flies in out of nowhere and knocks Josh out and then it rolls under a bush. Making in seem like it was Rodney who hit Josh. For most people this might seem like a one time thing. But for Rodney, not really. His great streak of luck was only beginning, which means trouble will always be right around the corner.


Thanks to the heroic reputation Rodney earned from supposedly beating up the most feared bully in all of Baber Intermediate (Baber Elementary School) Rodney finally gets some friends. Rishi the big mouth who loves taking pictures and exaggerating Rodney abilities which leads to always finding a way to put Rodney in hot water. His physically large friend that loves food and anything to do with eating who is ironically named Slim. Jessica is the girl who likes Rodney after he becomes the school “hero”. Surprisingly enough thought the only person who sees him for the coward he is his little sister Penny. Rodney seems to be as good at making friends as he is at making enemies.

His teacher Mrs.Lutzkraut passionately hates him and makes his 5th grade year very interesting. The schools two most feared bullies, Josh and his sidekick Toby are out to get him. Rodney, being the coward he is never would have thought to make it brought the first day of school But even with all of the obstacles placed in front of him, he always finds a way to get to the finish line. Most of those ways being pure luck and coincidental timing. How will a  coward like Rodney survive the school year all while trying to  maintain his tough guy reputation? There’s only one way to find out.