The Bitter Truth About Sugar

Sugar! Who doesn’t love sugar? I love sugar. But it’s not all sweetness. I guess you could call it bittersweet. The term obesity was only defined after large amounts of sugar and carb consumption took place all over the world.


Obesity is when a person becomes too overweight for their own well-being. It’s devastating to state the fact that almost 36% of the adult population of America is obese and that 17-18% of kids in America are obese. That’s more than 1/6 of the child population in this country. It doesn’t seem so sweet now does it? But here’s the worst part. According to the American Heart Association the maximum amount of added sugars you should be eating per day is, Men: 150 calories or 37.5 grams a day Women: 100 calories or 25 grams a day. A 2008 research found out that the average amount of sugar intake per day was about 78 grams per day or about 308 calories. That’s 2 to 3 times more than the recommended maximum sugar intake.

Some Foods You Should Watch Out For

Coke – I personally dislike any kinds of soda. But many others disagree with me. One 12oz. bottle of coke (without caffeine) has 39 grams of sugar! That’s more than a day’s maximum intake in one drink.

Fruit on The Bottom Yogurt Cups – These yogurt cups might seem like a healthy food to eat but they’re really not. Each one holds a whopping 19 grams of sugar per cup!

Dried fruit – Most people think dried fruit is a healthy way to go because it’s still fruit right? It is but it’s fruit that’s been drained of all of its protein, fiber, and nutrients. So technically you can’t call whatever it is a fruit. Apparently one handful of dried cranberries (A.K.A. Craisins) can have up to 19 grams of sugar!

Cap’n Crunch – One 27 gram serving of this breakfast cereal contains 12 grams of sugar!  Almost 1/2 of the entire serving is made up of Sugar.

So you tell me. Is sugar really that sweet?