Xbox one, kinect

I had Wii for several years and really enjoyed playing different games with it. My little sister broke all the Wii Sports DVDs; unfortunately the Wii company stopped making games for the Wii but only for Wii-U. I finally convinced my parents to get me the Xbox One, Kinect, and now here are my thoughts about it:


An Xbox One with Kinect, and controller


1) Unlike the Wii the Xbox one does not need extra remotes for each player, thanks to Kinect; you can control it with your hand (but also have at least one remote, just to be on the safe side ).
2) It has sooooo many games, including one of my favorites, Kinect sports rivals.
3) On the Xbox one, games can be downloaded and stored on the Xbox console, this way there won’t be any DVD’s to worry about, my sister can’t get to them now.
4) It comes with 500 GB; which really comes in handy when downloading games.
5) It has a complete blue-ray system, so you can watch all your favorite movies on it.


1) The voice commands for the Kinect don’t work that well.
2) Hand controlling does not always work well on the home screen


The Xbox one is an amazing video game console and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants it, especially if you like games where you move around, the Xbox one is meant for you.