Beating Boredom

I bet that everyone’s had the feeling of boredom before. When there is nothing to do or nothing to be done. Trust me when I say that boredom can be very frustrating at times.


There is a very very long list of frustrating things and situations. Like doing a project the day before it’s due and progressing very slowly,  trying to pick coins off of a tile floor, or attempting to write a blog online when the wifi’s down. Well, I’ve been there and done that. But being bored is a completely different thing. It’s like you can’t ever find things to do when you want to do them most. Kind of like motivation and inspiration. They all show up at the wrong times and leave at even worse times. That’s why you can’t let a feeling control you. You have to conquer it. Beat it.

5 Ways to Beat Boredom

1. Make up your own game or a mash up of a few different games and compete with imaginary rivals.

2. Make a band out of cups from your kitchen and try to recreate a musical masterpiece.

3. Make up your own memes and share them with your friends.

4. Try to beat your high score in your favorite Xbox or Wii game.

5. Draw blindfolded self portraits of you and your family, and share them with your family.