Goodbye to 2019……..and hello to 2020!!

The year 2020 is coming!

This is the last month before the new year, 2020 comes. This new year will be a big change for everyone. Everyone will grow older and maybe even grow an inch taller. But maybe some people will also stay the same as they were in 2019. Who knows what will happen in the new decade?

Big things that will happen in 2020

  • There will be cars that can drive themselves
  • Japan is going to build a robotic moon base
  • There will be a $1000 computer that will have the processing power of the human brain!!!
  • Flying cars will be airborne
  • Microchips may be implanted into our brains
  • There will be AR (augmented reality) glasses
  • Mail will be sent by rockets
  • We will finally be able to go to Mars
  • Everyone will be able to vote at home electronically
  • We may start to text by thinking
  • Soon, Gorilla’s are going to go extinct in South Africa
  • There will be a cure for the common cold in public
  • There will be sound baths, which means people get to listen to music in the bath tub.
  • All roads will be tubes
  • There is going a translation device that is going to make you understand people speaking in any language
  • There will be a massaging device to massage any of your tired bones
  • Roads will be safer

All of this may sound a little crazy, but experts thinks that all of these things willย be possible in 2020. After all, it is a new decade, so that means new things areย bound to happen.