Giving Back to Your Community

Giving Back to Your Community

Giving back to your community is highly important–and needed, as the current coronavirus pandemic rapidly spreads.  There are so many ways to give back to your community during the coronavirus outbreak.  Every donation, or contribution will make a difference.  So, have you ever thought about giving back to your community?  Take a look at an example of how a man and his family gave back to his own community.

“Newspaper Delivery Man and His Family Bring Groceries to Seniors Amid Coronavirus”

The article from ABC News, “Newspaper delivery Man and His Family Bring Groceries to Seniors Amid Coronavirus,” by Tommy Brooksbank, describes how a newspaper delivery man, Greg Dailey, and his family volunteer to aid the elderly in their community during the coronavirus pandemic.  Waking up at 4am each day, Greg Dailey sacrifices his own time to deliver both newspapers, and groceries for the seniors in his community. Seniors were at a disadvantage because of their health, and were not able to get their own groceries.  Greg Dailey and his family have helped their community by delivering not only newspapers, but also groceries for the seniors. 

How Can You Give Back to Your Community?

This was just one example of how you can give back to your community during the coronavirus pandemic, but there many other ways to give back to your community.  This could range anywhere from donating masks, to fighting hunger.  You could also help seniors, who are more at risk of contracting the coronavirus or covid-19, similarly to what Greg Dailey and his family did.

Several people are giving back to their communities and assisting those who are in need during the coronavirus pandemic.  Without these people, the coronavirus situation would be much worse, and these people are greatly appreciated. 

Another way to give back to your community is to make sure you are staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  Doing simple tasks will make a huge impact, and hopefully the coronavirus will begin to end.  As always, make sure to wash your hands!