Kinect Sports Rivals – Xbox Box One game

The first game that I got for my Xbox one was Kinect Sports Rivals. When I got my Xbox one it came with a free game of my choice and sure enough it was the Kinect Sports Rivals. These are some of my thoughts about it:

Kinect Sports Rivals


1) This game makes you a virtual avatar, with the Kinect software, you can also customize your character

2) It includes 6 sports tennis, soccer, target shooting (with guns), bowling, climbing, and wake racing (jet ski racing)

3) For each sport you can have a training session with coach

4) Each sport has different levels which is very convenient for beginners

5) Quick Play lets you play with  up to 2 players in every game except for bowling which allows up to 4 players in Quick Play.


1) Requires an outlook email

2) Target shooting may not be appropriate for younger kids


Kinect Sports is an amazing Xbox One game. Especially for people who like competition. I would recommend it to anyone who has an Xbox One.