Minecraft Earth

Minecraft Earth

Minecraft Earth is an AR game that is just as interactive as Minecraft. This game was revealed on the 10th anniversary of Minecraft. This game was also displayed alongside with Minecon Live. You can build your own house, with traps and all! Also get weapons, because as we all know, it’s a CREEPER! You get to fight Skeletons, Zombies, and all the mobs you normally see in Minecraft. It’s like your Minecraft world in real life! How exciting!

 Gameplay Reveal

This game reveal was showcased at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (A.K.A Apple’s WWDC). It showcased a ton of new features such as putting your actual body in the game. You move forward in real life, you move forward in the game. This is a cool feature, but another feature is you get to put your Minecraft player into the game. If you were playing normally your phone would just be the item you are holding, while you are next to the structure. But if you place your player into the game, they would make all the actions you do. For example, in the reveal Lydia Winters (a Minecraft developer) placed her player in the game, and she waved. The character waved along with her! Pretty cool, am I right? Well you can watch the reveal for yourself!

New Mobs

This game includes new mobs as you can probably tell from the reveal. The one confirmed mob is the Muddy Pig. This is the only mob that we know is coming. There are many speculations, but most of them will not be coming in the full release. You can get the Muddy Pig by getting a pig into a new block, mud. Once the pig gets out of the mud, you will see mud all around it, and a flower on top of its head. How cute!


There are many mysteries in this game. Perhaps you are curious of what new mobs there are, or maybe you want to know which of these new mobs will make it to the main game, if any. The one I am most curious about though, is if Saxs Persson (another developer) would have fallen into the hole the creeper made or he would have just been walking right on it. We all know this AR game supports forwards, backwards left, and right. But does it support up and down? Would have Saxs’s real life body in-game fallen into the hole? I don’t know, and I don’t know if any of you know. But there is one thing for sure: Minecraft Earth Beta is out THIS SUMMER so you can sign up for it on the Minecraft website!

Hope you enjoyed yet another Minecraft blog! You guys might be getting tired of them, so you’ll be glad to hear, this is the last! Unless there is any more crazy Minecraft news!