How To Keep Yourself Entertained On Long Car Rides

car ridesI love long car rides and I also strongly dislike them. They can be all fun and games or just boring. I prefer the first one. It’s ironic that I am writing this blog right now since I’m actually in my car on a 2 hour drive to Delaware. So there’s one thing you could do.

That’s why I love blogging so much. You can do it when ever and wherever you want. As long as you are connected to the Internet. But just in case the Internet is super slow (super super slow) I’ve made up a few games to play on the road.

I love to look at the different types cars on the road and their color, brand, and license plates. One game I love to play with my family is finding the car with the coolest license plate. This is usually a better game to play when you are on a main road or a road with lots of cars.

family car

Another game that is perfect for car rides is “finish the tune”. It’s a family car ride classic. You sing a few lines of a song and then someone else has to start another few lines of another song with the last word or letter you ended with. “100 bottles of milk on the wall, take one down, pass it around…”

Car touch. The name is kinda like the cheese touch from the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” but the game is way different. First you have to pick a color, brand, and type of a car (ex.- Grey Toyota Camry). The first person who sees the car has to touch everyone else who is playing and say, Car Touch!

All of the above games are for your entire family but what if everyone else is doing their own things?

You should always be prepared for the ultimate boredom test in long car rides. So you have to be prepared before you leave. So what do you need?


Make sure you have a nice long book to read. If you’re a person who doesn’t enjoy reading too much then make sure to bring a pair of earphones so that you can listen to music. Car rides are a great time to just relax.

If you love art bring a sketch book and some pencils with you. For sports lovers bring a small ball to play with, but make sure that you don’t do anything to disturb or distract the driver.

But the best thing to do in my opinion is just to talk to whoever is with you. It’s probably not everyday that you get to spend over 2 hours just talking to them with no distractions. No matter what you do just remember you have to beat boredom don’t let it beat you.

One Response

  1. Anshul Bellamkonda November 3, 2016