Mackinac Island

I went to this amazing island called Mackinac Island, have you heard of it? Well anyway it’s an amazing place to take a one-day escape to. When you’re there you can rent a bike and go for an 8 mile ride (it feels much shorter than it is).Did I mention that they have tandem bikes too! Regular bikes may be fun but tandem bikes are truly special and I highly recommend them. It has beautiful rock beaches and its located on lake Huron. Oh, I almost forgot to get to the island you need to ride a ferry, and it moves at a tremendous speed! But the best part is, FUDGE. Everywhere you look there is a fudge store.

A fudge store called mays fudge was the oldest fudge store on the island, it even survived the great depression! Also keep in mind that there are no cars on that island, you either travel by bike or by horse! Bikes+ Beaches+ Ferry+ Fudge = An Amazing Vacation