Should Cellphones be Allowed at School, or Not?

Why Cellphones SHOULD be Allowed at SchoolImage result for cellphone

    There are many reasons people think cellphones should be allowed in school. If you are a parent, you might think cellphones at school help their kids learn. According to tests students scored 25% higher on their algebra finals with cellphones! One thing your phones definitely come in handy for is research. You could research with online books, newspaper articles, and many other materials. Texting is a useful resource too. Teachers could write a warm up problem at the beginning of a period. Students could text their teachers the answers, without anyone copying them! The teachers might even have the kids download learning programs onto their devices. Students are more likely to continue learning out of school with all the learning programs on their phones. Think about all the learning! Also for safety reasons you could have phones. For example, if there was an emergency at school you could call your parents to inform them directly.

Why Cellphones SHOULD NOT be Allowed at School

Cell phones can be very troublesome at school. There are plenty of distractions. For example, texting. Kids might text each other in class, and this is a very common issue at most schools. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 64% of students text in class (when they’re not supposed to) . Students could record inappropriate or even violent things. They could use Wikipedia or Google cheat on tests and to find answers they should’ve found by themselves. Also going online can often lead to cyber-bullying. For example, bullies could text other students mean things or when students are playing an educational game with a chat, or even a game they are not allowed to be playing. Also if the class needs phones, and a student forgets to charge their phone or forgets it at home, they would not be able to participate in the learning activity.