How Humans Altered The Earth’s Surface

How Does Littering Harm Animals and Wreck Habitats?

    Littering has caused the destruction of many habitats on the Earth’s surface. It has harmed animals as well as humans. It’s created landfills where forests and animal habitats used to be. The litter gets into the water, which spreads out the chemicals. These chemical infested waters cause weathering and erosion at faster than normal rates, which again destroys trees and the ground that animals live on.  If the animals drink this dirty water, they might get sick and they could even die. This is how littering wreck habitats, and kills animals, and that’s why its really bad.

 What Would Happen if Litter Got in All of Earth’s Water?

    If litter ever does infest all of Earth’s water, there will be many severe effects. For example, humans will have no water to drink, as all of the fresh water would be dirty. Also animals like whales could get stuck in fishing nets people throw away. Fish and other marine animals that breathe through their gills will be harmed as well. Furthermore, the remaining coral reefs will also be destroyed. Our water would become green, and murky. 

How Did Litter Become Problematic in The First Place?

     Humans invented plastic, and with plastic people made milk cartons, plastic bottles and much more. People became lazy and didn’t want to recycle these objects or even paper products. Humans make things with these materials and just throw them outside instead of in the recycling bins. People also throw away unfinished food. This is a waste of the materials used to make the food. A huge waste!

How Can Humans Stop Earth’s Surface From Being Full of Litter?

    Humans can stop Earth’s surface from being full of litter, and this is how. We could start making more electric cars. This would reduce the amount of poisonous gasses released into the air. Also, we could recycle instead of just throwing things on the ground. Too much electricityImage result for Litter is also not so good, so why don’t we just use solar power! Also, we could use hydro-power (water power). This type of power is eco-friendly. You could get your friends and family to start recycling. Remember, every person counts! This is how humans can stop Earth’s surface from being full of litter.

Have Humans Impacted Earth’s Surface Positively or Negatively?

    In my opinion, humans have impacted Earth’s surface negatively. The things litter can do to our world is awful. Littering has not, and will not improve our world, but make it worse. We have killed a countless number of animals. Natural disasters can even happen more frequently when we litter. We destroyed so many ecosystems, such as the Amazon Rain forest. Finally, as I have said many times before, we are filling up all the landfills. These areas could have been where animals lived. This is why I think litter  and humans have definitely impacted Earth’s surface negatively.