Do you have any friends or family members who are so much older or younger than you? That is called generation gap. There’s another meaning to that though.
A generation gap , or generational gap, is a difference of opinions between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, or values. In today’s usage, generation gap often refers to a perceived gap between younger people and their parents or grandparents.
But sometimes, you probably wonder how people still get along in different generations. Read more to find out!
How Do People Get Along in Different Generations?

Getting along with other people in different generations depends on a lot of criteria. It depends on how mature you are, the upbringing, and the loyalty. Someone in Gen Z can be friends with a person from a Millennial. Why is that? It’s because no matter the age gap or generation gap, both people were probably bonded over common interests.
And keep this in mind. No matter the generation you are in, you can still be friends with them. Don’t make fun of a baby boomer just because they’re old. Praise them because they keep our old generations alive.
Sometimes things don’t always go the way you want it to be, and that’s okay. Meeting new friends can be hard because maybe you both don’t like the same things. Or perhaps you argue quite a bit. Just know that it’s not your fault, and that you’ll find other friends in the future who you’ll get along with better.
List of All Generations Still Alive/Dead Today – Exact Date
Today, we still have a bunch of generations alive today – which is great! If you meet a person from one of these generations, try to learn about it. Maybe they did some things you never thought of doing. Who knows?
Check out this list of generations today that are still here or that are long gone.
- Gen Z – 1995 to 2015 (alive)
- Millennial – 1980 to 1994 (alive)
- Gen X – 1965 to 1979 (alive)
- Baby Boomer – 1944 to 1964 (alive)
- The Silent Generation – 1925 to 1943 (alive)
- The Greatest Generation – 1910 to 1924 (alive)
- The Interbellum Generation – 1903 to 1916 (depends)
- The Lost Generation – 1890 to 1915 (probably dead)
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