Why Drinking Water Is So Important?

drinking water

Why You Should Drink Lots Of Water?

My parents are very particular about me drinking lots of water throughout the day. I on the other hand am not a big fan of drinking water, I only drink it when I’m thirsty or when I eat something spicy. So that got me thinking, why should we drink a lot of water, I mean 60% of us already consists of water so why do we need any more?

You need to make sure you drink enough water everyday in order to maintain a balance of body fluids. Your body consists of about 60% water so you need to drink about 2 liters of water to maintain that balance. We are constantly losing water from our bodies primarily from urine and sweat. Water is necessary for a lot of bodily functions, such as transporting nutrients throughout your body, digesting food, creating saliva, maintaining your body temperature, and so much more!

Energizes Your Muscles

Water also helps energize your muscles. When your muscles don’t get enough water or fluids it causes muscle fatigue and your muscles won’t work as well as they normally should. Not to mention muscle cramps, an athlete’s worst enemy.

Improves Your Mood

When you drink water don’t you feel really refreshed? When people feel refreshed they tend to be happier and more relaxed. Drinking more water actually makes you feel so refreshed that it can brighten your mood and improves your state of mind. Dehydration has been proven to put people in sour moods, even very mild dehydration can negatively impact your spirit.

Lose Weight / Eat Less

Believe it or not drinking more water can even help you lose weight! One extra cup of water a day means you eat about 68 calories less that usual and 3 more cups of water means losing 205 calories! That’s how many calories you burn if you walk for 2.5 miles. This however doesn’t mean you should sit on your couch all day and chug a gallon of water. You should still practice healthy eating habits and get your daily exercise in. Drinking more water just fills you up and typically causes you to eat less, you don’t actually burn calories.

Helps Prevent Some Types of Cancer

Water can also decrease your chances of getting some types of cancers. Research shows that the greater the fluid intake, the lower the chance of getting bladder cancer. One possible reason as to why that is could be, since you will end up urinating more it could prevent the buildup of bladder carcinogens!

Helps You Focus

Drinking more water actually makes you smarter, think clearly, and work efficiently! This is because when people get dehydrated their brain tissue will naturally shrink a little bit in size. This basically means if you don’t drink enough water, your brain is working a lot harder to do things that shouldn’t take that much effort.

Makes Your Skin Look Awesome

Your skin actually contains plenty of water, it also functions as a barrier to prevent loss of fluids. So when you’re dehydrated your skin your skin will usually look a bit dry and wrinkly. Drinking too much water however, doesn’t make your skin look perfect. Once you’ve consumed an adequate amount of water, your kidneys get rid of the excess fluids.

Things that happen soon after when you start drinking more water…

  1. You feel more refreshed and awake
  2. Your body has more energy
  3. You are less hungry, snacking decreases
  4. Your skin gets brighter, looks more healthy
  5. It’s easier to focus and concentrate
  6. Less muscle cramps and a slightly higher pain tolerance
  7. You are a happier person!