The Ways We Could Stop Polluting And The Harm It’s Doing


We should stop polluting! It’s harmful to the environment, animals, and people. There are many different ways of pollution. From the toxic carbon monoxide coming from any motor vehicle to throwing plastic into the ocean.

The Harm Of Pollution

Pollution can do a lot of harmful things. You can pollute the air from the gases from a car. That causes people to cough and plug their nose. Using plastic is bad because if an animal ingested it, it could die from indigestion or even deform when it grows up. In Accra, Ghana, there is an electronic waste, aka the e-waste. You will find all sorts of electronics, and the e-waste contains toxic chemicals and elements that are emitted into the groundwater, including arsenic, mercury, lead, and copper. Oil spills in the ocean are also very harmful, and it seems to occur every day. It mostly affects the nature and animals living there. If oil gets on a bird’s wings, it is hard for the bird to flap its wings and breathe. Oil spills also blocks the sunlight getting into the ocean, and the sea plants don’t give oxygen, and than that causes many dead fish. 5000 people die each day from unsafe drinking water, and also if the soil is polluted then famine will strike, and it will stop the trees from giving us oxygen. Smoking causes more deaths each year than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined! Isn’t that horrifying?!🤢🤢🤢

The Ways To Stop Pollution

Scientists have already developed alternates to gasoline, such as using biodiesel. Biodiesel can be made from vegetable oil or animal oil and it doesn’t release harmful gases. You could also drive less or ride a bike to our destination. Americans use millions of straws in a day, so we should eliminate them and switch to biodegradable paper straws. Paper straws are easier to digest than plastic. You can also recycle the plastic or donate it if it still has some use.


Thank you for reading this and I hope you keep Mother Earth safe. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog😀😃👌👌!!!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)