The Destructive Tsunamis!


“FWOOSH” Is that the sound of a tiny wave? NO IT’S THE SOUND OF  A TSUNAMI!!

This is a blog about tsunamis! I hope you enjoy it!Image result for smiled

How does a tsunami impact humans and land?

The giant waves of a tsunami can cause major damage. The most destructive tsunami in history was in December 2004. It started in the Indian Ocean and hit of Southeast Asia. It killed over 200,000 people. The 2nd most damage causing tsunami occurred in the Mediterranean Sea during 1908. It hit Messina and Italy and it killed nearly 130,000 citizens. Another very deadly tsunami was in 1775, and it formed in the Atlantic Ocean. This tsunami hit parts of Europe and made over 100,000 people perish. Finally the fourth deadliest tsunami occurred in the Philippine Sea during 1707. It killed at least 30,000 people.

How do humans predict and prepare for tsunamis?

How do we know when a tsunami forms so we can prepare? This is how. Scientists put special buoys in some areas in the ocean. These track and detect tsunamis. Another way to tell if a tsunami is coming is if you feel a small rumble near shore. If you do, don’t hesitate to evacuate. The rumble could have been an earthquake, which could possibly cause a tsunami. A way to prepare for this disastrous set of waves is to get to higher ground. As you probably know, these waves can be very tall. If you don’t already have an emergency kit, pack the essentials: Water and food. Then get a radio so you know what is going on. Also, get a first-aid kit. Tsunamis are hard to detect, but there are various ways to prepare.


How do tsunamis form and what are their characteristics?Image result for 1720 ft tsunami

These huge waves can be very tall and form in different ways. Some tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes. Others are caused by an underwater volcano that erupts. A couple tsunamis are caused by landslides. But most tsunamis are caused by parts of earth’s crust divided into parts called tectonic plates. When they shift on top of each other, it causes a tsunami. The tallest tsunami in history was 1,720 feet tall. This is very tall, because a tsunami has to be only 100 feet tall considered a tsunami!

If you want to see the top 5 biggest tsunamis ever caught on camera, watch the video! If you didn’t notice, the 3rd and 1st  one is the Indian Ocean tsunami!