Surfing… But on Snow? (a.k.a. Snowboarding)

Get ready cuz it’s that time of the year again! When has there a better time than winter to get comfy with your cup of hot chocolate and watch the snow fall outdoors?

Winter is a great time for staying indoors all cozy and warm, hidden away from the cold. There might be an even better way to spend the winter for some of those outdoorsy people (like me) that can’t stand being cooped up all day indoors. A great alternative to staying home during the winter is a ski trip.

Snowboarding and skiing for the First Few Times

The mere height of the mountain can seem frightening and intimidating when you first stand under them. But anyone can become a pro with some safety tips and a little practice. Here are some helpful tips to  you started and snowboard with ease in no time:

1) Start Small. You wouldn’t run without learning how to walk first so don’t expect to go to the hard slopes before you can easily control yourself on an easy one first

2) Learn How to Fall. I’m being serious on this one. If you don’t know how to fall properly on your butt (which you can expect to do a lot), you could do some serious harm to yourself. Avoid falling onto your wrists (this is one of the most injured areas that snowboards tend to hurt) and tuck your head in whenever you fall so that you don’t hit your head.

3) If Possible, Get a Trainer. Most ski resorts offer some sort of skiing class that lasts for about an hour and are relatively cheap. Don’t get intimidated by the word “class” when you are on break. The ski teachers are usually really cool people and just want to be your friend. If you are a quick learner, you could even learn some tricks along the way. (It’ll also make the rest of the trip a lot more fun if you aren’t falling on your bee hind every five seconds)

4) Take Breaks and Have Fun! Don’t stress yourself. Just go in for a quick rest if you feel tired and don’t forget to throw a snowball at your friend every once in a while.

What do you think now? Ready to go Snow-surfing?