Lego 2016: What’s Up In The Lego World (5 Things)

Hi guys it’s me Legomaster and I’m here to tell you about new stuff going on in the Lego world, new stuff and more so here we go!!!

legoThe Caterham 7 620R

This British classic took its place in the Lego ideas, eventually it got 10,000 supporters and is now a Lego set (was released before).  It’s a really cool old fashioned car that you’ve probably seen before.

lego_21028_prod_sec01_1488Lego Architecture NYC and Berlin.

These cityscapes are very unique and can tell you a lot about the City of New York. For example it has the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Flatiron Building, One World Trade Center, and of course the Statue of Liberty. Berlin has The Reichstag, Victory Column, Bramble-ton gate, the TV Tower, and The Desutch Bahn building.

I mean really these sets are great and they also have a lot of detail and preciseness. I’d love to tell more about this but we’ve got to move on.

I just included this video in this list because it just tells you a lot about these sets and since I got some of my info there I just decided to put it on this list so you can also get additional information.

28730327204_3592bde444_zLego What am I?  Read my What am I article to learn more about this game. But basically it’s a lego version of battle ship that uses mini-figures instead of battleships. I just put it on this list because it’s a great lego set.

Last but definitely not least, the Death Star! The newest one is bigger, badder, and better!! It has an elevator, Imperial meeting room, laser control panel, prison room and even ship control!I personally recommend this set to VIP Lego members and Lego lovers or anyone who enjoys building things.

So In conclusion, Thank You for reading this and Good day, evening, night, whenever, wherever you’re reading this. Make sure you check out our other blogs on legos.


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  1. hamsini bellamkonda December 31, 2017