Fishing For A Rod

I’m not a professional fisher. I’ve only gone fishing once. But I love it!


To be honest I never thought that I would enjoy an afternoon of fishing, or any fishing at all. Boy was I wrong! The fishing scenes you probably see on TV are very misleading. It’s very unlikely (even for a professional fisherman) that you would catch a bucket full of fish in half an hour. It’s also equally as unlikely that you will go fishing for the entire day and not catch a single fish. It is an activity that requires a lot of patience. But think of it as something worth waiting for.

Another thing about it is that you have to be very prepared. Like I said, I’m no expert but thankfully we did take an expert’s advice. It definitely paid off. We had 3 catching fish rods,  a 50 piece fishing kit, and we also bought live bait. Apparently live bait will get you the most bites. That’s what the expert said. The next best thing would be fake bait that looks like live bait.

After a one hour drive we finally got to an amazing fishing spot at Greenbrier Lake. Greenbrier is a Maryland State Park that has a beautiful protected lake that’s ideal for kayaking and fishing. We settled for a very shallow part of the lake (not knowing whether it was a good or bad decision) and believe it or not we caught our first fish in the first 30 minutes. Even though it seems like a long time, time does go by fast when you’re having fun! We didn’t keep any of the fish that we caught for two reasons.

First of all none of the fish we had caught were big enough to legally keep. Besides we left the ice box at home and there was no way we were going to waste 2 hours driving back for it. We caught 6 fish in total and with a delicious picnic to top it of, we had a wonderful afternoon. Surprisingly, the people fishing next to us (who had much more experience than us) hadn’t caught a single fish in the 4 hours that they were there. I guess we were just super lucky. I can’t wait for the fishing season to come around again. But next time we will be sure to bring an ice box!