Tips on back to school shopping-in case you need them Tips on back to school shopping Yay! School’s Out! But wait a minute… also need to go back to school … by Hamsini Reddy/ July 9, 2019/ Education, General, Kids/
What Type of Candy Suites You? What type of candy suits you? You: Mommy, I want this chocolate candy. Or even some Gumdrops. Or even some … by Hamsini Reddy/ July 1, 2019/ Food, General, Kids/
Nintendo Switch- a video game for everyone to enjoy🎮 What is Nintendo Switch? Nintendo Switch is a video game made in 2017. There are two controllers that you use … by Hamsini Reddy/ June 21, 2019/ Electronics Toys / Games, Kids, Technology, Toys/
Getting a phone is a big responsibility When you really want a phone Let’s say you’re in the mall with your mom. You see some other people … by Hamsini Reddy/ June 21, 2019/ Electronics Toys / Games, General, Technology/
Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea? Spongebob Squarepants! A summary about this show Spongebob Squarepants is a yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea in … by Hamsini Reddy/ June 18, 2019/ Kids/
The Rhythmaya School of Dance😃 My dance school I go to a dance school called Rhythmaya School Of Dance. It’s lots of fun! You get … by Hamsini Reddy/ June 18, 2019/ Uncategorized/
All About The Bee Movie Do you like bees? Do you like buzzing and flying around the house? If so, you are good enough to … by Hamsini Reddy/ June 18, 2019/ Kids, Movies/
The Fight Between The Google Home and The Amazon Echo The 2 amazing assistants Everyone is talking about Google Home and Amazon Echo. They both have great features, amazing voices, … by Hamsini Reddy/ June 17, 2019/ Electronics Toys / Games, Technology/
Kalahari Resorts Waterpark Kalahari Resort – PA This winter break my family, friends, and I went to the Kalahari Resort in Pennsylvania for … by Hamsini Reddy/ December 31, 2017/ Electronics Toys / Games, Food, Kids, Places, Sports, Travel, Vacation/
Xbox Box One & Kinect Sports Rivals Kinect Sports Rivals! Blog written by a 6 year old You should really get an Xbox one! You should also get the … by Hamsini Reddy/ December 29, 2016/ Electronics Toys / Games, Kids, Sports, Technology, Toys/