How Did April Fool’s Day really start?

Have you ever wondered about how a day with pranks jokes and tricks started? If you are wondering how April Fool’s day start this blog will tell you all about it.

April Fool's Day

European Theory

One theory goes all the way back into the 15th century, in 1582 Pope Gregory XIII issued a Papal Bull commanding a new calendar for Eastern Europe. Prior to the 1500’s, Europe’s Nations and states started using a new calendar… ” The Julian Calendar.”

The Gregorian calendar, moved the date of their new year (April 1st) to January 1st. Some Europeans continued to celebrate their new year between March 28th and April 1st. April fools were citizens who still celebrated their New year in spring were the subject of pranks.

Netherland Theory

Another theory states that April Fools Started in Netherlands with the Dutch victory in Brielle in 1572 where the Spanish duke Álvarez de Toledo was defeated. This proverb, “Op 1 April verloor Alva zijn bril” can be translated to, “On the first of April, Alva lost his glasses.” There is one problem with this theory however, it does not prove the making of April Fool’s Day worldwide.

French Theory

Another theory was in 1508. French Poet Eloy d’Amerval referred to a poison d’avril (April Fool.) A practical reference to April Fool’s day. In 1539 a Flemish Poet, Eduard de Dene wrote about a Nobleman who made his servants do foolish deeds on April First.

British Theory

In 1686 John Aubrey mentioned the holiday to “Fools holy day” The first reference from a British man. On April 1st,1608 British citizens got tricked into going onto the tower of London to see the lions getting washed. One theory about April Fools day says that it originated from the festival “Hilaria.” Those are some of the theories of April Fools day but not all of them. Now I hope you know a lot more about April Fool’s day then before.

Check out Google’s April Fools day prank 2017.